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发布时间:2020-01-13 点击量:

序号 论文或成果名称 第一作者 期刊名称/出版社 日期 检索信息 备注
1 大学生社会实践活动机制构建探究 黄俊鹏 学校党建与思想教育 2018年3月
2 基于创新人格培养的大学生科研团队思想政治教育研究 黄俊鹏 湖北科学技术出版社 2017年5月
3 语言、思维与其他生物学范畴 张 舟 商务印书馆 2019年4月 译著
4 第二次世界大战与战后国际军备控制 杜清华 人民出版社 2017年12月
5 Multiscale Entropy Analysis of Page Views: A Case Study of Wikipedia 许 超 entropy 2019年3月 SCI已检索
6 The Empirical Analysis of the Introduction of Project Management Theory to the Apparatus of Association Construction 姚 瑶 Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 194 2018年2月 CPCI已检索
7 Explore New Ways to Innovate the League Work in Colleges and Universities 姚 瑶 Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 53 2017年11月 CPCI已检索
8 Discussion on the Path of Model Education of College Students in the New Period 姚 瑶 WOP in Education,Social Sciences and Psychology 2019年10月


9 Research on Knowledge Employees’Work Engagement and Work-related Flow on the Perspective of Self-determination 严蔷薇 Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research 2016年11月 CPCI已检索
10 Application of Positive Psychological Quality Cultivation in the Psychological Health Education in Colleges and Universities 严蔷薇 Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research 2016年7月 CPCI已检索 通讯作者
11 Research on Psychological Capital of College Graduates: The Mediating Effect of Coping Styles 严蔷薇 Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research 2016年11月 CPCI已检索
12 Analysis and Recommendations of Freshmen Mental Health Situation -The Case Study of an Engineering College in Wuhan 严蔷薇 Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research 2016年11月 CPCI已检索
13 Research on College Students' mental health education under the background of Engineering Education Accreditation-Taking Wuhan Textile University, College of textile science and Engineering as an example 严蔷薇 Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research 2017年6月 CPCI已检索
14 On the Construction of the Precise Assistance Mechanism of "Students Facing Five Different Difficulties" based on Grid Management in Colleges and Universities 严蔷薇 Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research 2017年6月 CPCI已检索 通讯作者


