序号 |
论文或成果名称 |
第一作者 |
期刊名称/出版社 |
日期 |
检索信息 |
备注 |
1 |
大学生社会实践活动机制构建探究 |
黄俊鹏 |
学校党建与思想教育 |
2018年3月 |
2 |
基于创新人格培养的大学生科研团队思想政治教育研究 |
黄俊鹏 |
湖北科学技术出版社 |
2017年5月 |
3 |
语言、思维与其他生物学范畴 |
张 舟 |
商务印书馆 |
2019年4月 |
译著 |
4 |
第二次世界大战与战后国际军备控制 |
杜清华 |
人民出版社 |
2017年12月 |
5 |
Multiscale Entropy Analysis of Page Views: A Case Study of Wikipedia |
许 超 |
entropy |
2019年3月 |
SCI已检索 |
6 |
The Empirical Analysis of the Introduction of Project Management Theory to the Apparatus of Association Construction |
姚 瑶 |
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 194 |
2018年2月 |
CPCI已检索 |
7 |
Explore New Ways to Innovate the League Work in Colleges and Universities |
姚 瑶 |
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 53 |
2017年11月 |
CPCI已检索 |
8 |
Discussion on the Path of Model Education of College Students in the New Period |
姚 瑶 |
WOP in Education,Social Sciences and Psychology |
2019年10月 |
CPCI已检索 |
9 |
Research on Knowledge Employees’Work Engagement and Work-related Flow on the Perspective of Self-determination |
严蔷薇 |
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research |
2016年11月 |
CPCI已检索 |
10 |
Application of Positive Psychological Quality Cultivation in the Psychological Health Education in Colleges and Universities |
严蔷薇 |
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research |
2016年7月 |
CPCI已检索 |
通讯作者 |
11 |
Research on Psychological Capital of College Graduates: The Mediating Effect of Coping Styles |
严蔷薇 |
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research |
2016年11月 |
CPCI已检索 |
12 |
Analysis and Recommendations of Freshmen Mental Health Situation -The Case Study of an Engineering College in Wuhan |
严蔷薇 |
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research |
2016年11月 |
CPCI已检索 |
13 |
Research on College Students' mental health education under the background of Engineering Education Accreditation-Taking Wuhan Textile University, College of textile science and Engineering as an example |
严蔷薇 |
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research |
2017年6月 |
CPCI已检索 |
14 |
On the Construction of the Precise Assistance Mechanism of "Students Facing Five Different Difficulties" based on Grid Management in Colleges and Universities |
严蔷薇 |
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research |
2017年6月 |
CPCI已检索 |
通讯作者 |